All Souls College in Oxford.
© Simon Q via Flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0
04.02.2016 in Study and Teaching, Campus, International News

Halle students conduct research in Oxford

In January, Eric O’Neill, a researcher from the University of Oxford, gave the opening talk for an international series of lectures on molecular medicine and biology at Halle’s town hall. “Halox” was the working title for the series, whose main organisor is Stephan Feller, a professor of tumour biology at the Faculty of Medicine in Halle. Feller, who came to Halle from Oxford in 2013, drew on his personal contacts to breathe life into the idea. Read more

Simon Drescher (left) is one of the most active users of Kai Struve uses almost every day.
© private, design: Theresa Pfahl
20.04.2015 in Study and Teaching, Featured, Campus

Between scientific exchange and personal PR and are considered the Facebook and Xing of scientists. Yet, they are much more than that. The websites enable researchers to follow one another, upload papers, debate questions, and develop new topics. Researchers at Martin-Luther-University are also among the active participants of these networks. Read more

 In the new teaching pharmacy, students practice every-day situations that can arise in a chemist’s shop
© Markus Scholz
22.01.2015 in Study and Teaching, Campus

Against risks and side effects

The new teaching pharmacy was launched at the Institute of Pharmacy at the beginning of winter semester. It took the project’s initiator, Prof. Dr. Ralf Benndorf, a year to get it up and running. Now it will gradually be integrated into the education of future pharmacists. Students will learn how to properly advise customers under real conditions but in a protective setting. Read more

The aim of the Newcomers’ Club is to help new employees gain a foothold at Martin Luther University. Something similar is already on offer for graduates and undergraduates.
© Josefine Alarich
03.12.2014 in Study and Teaching, Miscellaneous

Welcome to the club: a network for newbies

Employees and professors who are new to Martin Luther University don’t get a freshers party - at best, they are actively supported at their work place. However, at the end of the workday, these newcomers usually have to fend for themselves. This is now set to change. In November, 25 members of the university founded the Newcomers’ Club. Read more

“13th Long Night of the Sciences: Da Vinci robot and the World Cup host Brazil.
© Maike Glöckner
05.07.2014 in Study and Teaching, Miscellaneous, Campus

13th Long Night of the Sciences: Da Vinci robot and the World Cup host Brazil

Science and football can live in harmony, as proven by the 13th annual Long Night of the Sciences in Halle which took place on 4 July. Visitors came sporadically at the beginning, but then, after a jubilant quarterfinal match, thousands came until the wee hours of the morning for a “research adventure”. For the first time more than 350 events were held. These were organised by the university along with many research institutes and the city of Halle Read more

Medical student Thakur Acharya (left) is one of the beneficiaries of the HauS Association. From right to left: board members Prof. Dr. Bernd Fischer, Christina Begenau, Johann Hinrich Witzel and Dr. Margarete Wein.
© Maike Glöckner
30.06.2014 in Study and Teaching, Campus

Help for students in need

For 20 years the association “Hilfe für ausländische Studierende e. V.” (HauS) has been active in helping students from around the world who have found themselves in a pinch through no fault of their own. Two students from the Ukraine and Nepal explain how the charity helped them by providing not only money, but also assurance. Read more

Heiner Lück, presenting a print of the Sachsenspiegel. Guido Kisch already researched this law book.
© Michael Deutsch
19.11.2013 in Study and Teaching, People, Featured, Campus

Unforgotten injustice

Guido Kisch and Heiner Lück are connected by more than just the fact that Lück has held Kisch’s former chair at the University of Halle for nearly 20 years. Since his time as a student, Lück has been examining the biography of the Jewish legal scholar who was a professor in Halle for eleven years until he was banned from his profession in 1933. Today Kisch’s family are friends with Heiner Lück. Read more

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