The Institute of Chemistry at MLU, inaugurated on the Weinberg Campus on 3 September 1964.
© UAHW, Rep.40 V, Nr. 398
26.04.2018 in Featured, Miscellaneous

Cutting-Edge Research Where Vineyards Once Grew

The area between the Heide district in Halle and the river Saale was used in the past for very different things. The land-use demarcation “vineyard” (Weinberg in German) was based on the fact that vineyards had been officially documented multiple times on this land since the 13th century. The fruit played such an important role in Mediaeval wine culture that in 1750 the chronicler Dreyhaupt compared the good wine to that of the Rhine Valley. Read more

Hartmut Leipner (right) and enspring employee Robert Schlegel examine a new sample coating.
© Michael Deutsch
26.04.2018 in Featured, Research

Entrepreneurs perfect the solid-state battery

Employees at enspring GmbH on the Weinberg Campus are on the lookout for the ideal material for capacitors and lithium-ion batteries. They are able to take advantage of the excellent working environment and the university’s scientific expertise. Falk Lange, a PhD student at MLU and the founder of enspring, now also wants to gain a foothold in China. Hence, the story of enspring GmbH is also the story of basic researchers who have become business people active on the international stage. Read more

There from the start. Without Reinhard Neubert the Weinberg Campus would not have become what it is today.
© Michael Deutsch
26.04.2018 in Featured, Science

“Flexibility is our advantage”

The Weinberg Campus is a high-tech location. In the last 25 years around one billion euros has been invested in a site that is also the heart of the university’s scientific campus. The density of research institutes is high on the nearly 134-hectare site. This is accompanied by numerous successful companies that have often emerged from start-ups. Important drivers of the process are technology and founders’ centres. The first one opened in 1993 and the technology park was born. Professor Reinhard Neubert - a scientist, Prorector and entrepreneur - is one of the pioneers of this development. He talks with Ines Godazgar in an interview. Read more

Anniversary at the High-Tech Site
© Michael Deutsch
26.04.2018 in Featured

Anniversary at the High-Tech Site

When the Technology and Founders’ Centre opened its doors on the Weinberg Campus in 1993 it sparked the beginning of further development of the site. Proximity to MLU played a decisive role when the spin-off was founded. Read more

16.10.2017 in Campus, Study and Teaching, Featured

The Centre for Teacher Training celebrates ten years as a contact point for student teachers

This year the Centre for Teacher Training (ZLB) at the University of Halle is celebrating its ten-year anniversary. JLB’s annual meeting on 15 November will devote itself to the anniversary and its theme will be “Education for Sustainable Development in Teacher Training”. In an interview, the centre’s director Professor Thomas Bremer and its managing director Dr Marie-Theres Müller look back at the centre’s inception and discuss its future tasks. Read more

Every child has a different learning disposition. At the University of Halle, trainee teachers are taught how to respond to these varying needs.
© RichVintage/iStock
13.10.2017 in Featured, Campus, Study and Teaching

Better prepared for school.

Each student is different. Until now, university-led teacher training courses have not taken this fact into account to the necessary extent. The project "Kasuistische Lehrerbildung für den inklusiven Unterricht" ('Case-based teacher training for inclusive teaching', KALEI) intends to change this with an increased focus on practical classroom experience. Read more

Werner Helsper (left) and Heinz-Hermann Krüger head the DFG research group.
© Maike Glöckner
13.10.2017 in Featured, Research

"Posh schools" versus "Schools for the poor"

A good education is the key to success. That is why parents look for the best schools for their children, and principals make every effort to ensure that their school enjoys a good reputation. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) funded research group 1612 "Mechanismen der Elitebildung im deutschen Bildungssystem" (“Mechanisms of Elite Formation in the German Educational System”) based at the University of Halle has been investigating the extent of these developments and their impact on society since 2011. In an interview, the group's spokespersons Professor Werner Helsper and Professor Heinz-Hermann Krüger summarise selected results. Read more

It’s hard to escape the reformer’s face during the 2017 jubilee year.
© behnelux gestaltung, unter Verwendung von Wikimedia Commons, User: Fa, Botaurus,CranachCCCP, Trzęsacz
23.03.2017 in Miscellaneous, Featured

What remains

There’s a Martin Luther Playmobile figure and a Martin Luther noodle. It’s hard to escape the reformer’s face during the 2017 jubilee year. But what does the Reformation have to do with the present day? A lot, say researchers from many disciplines at the University of Halle. Because the Reformation’s legacy extends far beyond that of theology. Read more

Courtyard of the former Leucorea University in Wittenberg
© Manuela Bank-Zillmann
23.03.2017 in Featured, Science, Research

Luther’s Leucorea: Research in Wittenberg

Where Martin Luther once taught in Wittenberg, researchers today are working together on an interdisciplinary basis to study the history and effects of the Reformation. Two research projects, funded by the State of Saxony-Anhalt, are examining these topics at the Leucorea Foundation at the University of Halle. Read more

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