From left to right: Selma Gago Zachert, Torsten Gursinsky and Sven-Erik Behrens are collaborating on the project.
© Heiko Rebsch
11.06.2024 in Science, Research, Knowledge Transfer

A profile for the cell police

Farmers around the world apply four million tons of chemical pesticides onto their fields each year. A team of MLU researchers has been trying to put a stop to that using specially developed vaccines. The scientists now want to transfer their research from the laboratory to agricultural practice. Read more

Further basic research takes place in the laboratory at the Protein Centre of the university.
© Maike Glöckner
07.08.2018 in Featured, Research

Verovaccines: Vaccine developers on track for success

Animal diseases are posing ever greater challenges for the agriculture industry and the demand for effective vaccines is extremely high. This is where the spin-off company from Halle called Verovaccines comes in with its innovative yeast-based vaccines. A further obstacle has now been overcome. The company will again receive funding amounting to 3.1 million euros over the next three years as part of the GO-Bio programme of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Read more