At home in three worlds
Dr Christophe Losfeld is not only an adjunct professor of Romance language didactics at MLU, he also has a special connection to schools, teaching at Latina August Hermann Francke, a state grammar school in Halle. Read more
Dr Christophe Losfeld is not only an adjunct professor of Romance language didactics at MLU, he also has a special connection to schools, teaching at Latina August Hermann Francke, a state grammar school in Halle. Read more
Bee robots instead of whole class instruction: the University of Halle is preparing its student teachers for modern ways of working in schools. Read more
This year the Centre for Teacher Training (ZLB) at the University of Halle is celebrating its ten-year anniversary. JLB’s annual meeting on 15 November will devote itself to the anniversary and its theme will be “Education for Sustainable Development in Teacher Training”. In an interview, the centre’s director Professor Thomas Bremer and its managing director Dr Marie-Theres Müller look back at the centre’s inception and discuss its future tasks. Read more
Each student is different. Until now, university-led teacher training courses have not taken this fact into account to the necessary extent. The project "Kasuistische Lehrerbildung für den inklusiven Unterricht" ('Case-based teacher training for inclusive teaching', KALEI) intends to change this with an increased focus on practical classroom experience. Read more
A good education is the key to success. That is why parents look for the best schools for their children, and principals make every effort to ensure that their school enjoys a good reputation. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) funded research group 1612 "Mechanismen der Elitebildung im deutschen Bildungssystem" (“Mechanisms of Elite Formation in the German Educational System”) based at the University of Halle has been investigating the extent of these developments and their impact on society since 2011. In an interview, the group's spokespersons Professor Werner Helsper and Professor Heinz-Hermann Krüger summarise selected results. Read more