Eingefärbt sind die Länder, in denen die Universität Halle Hochschulpartnerschaften hat: Äthiopien, Argentinien, Armenien, Australien, China (4), Frankreich (2), Indien, Israel (3), Italien (4), Japan (6), Jordanien, Kanada, Korea (Republik), Kuba, Mauritius, Mongolei, Österreich, Oman, Peru, Polen (6), Ruanda, Rumänien, Russland (7), Slowakei (2), Spanien, Sudan, Südafrika (2), Syrien (2), Ungarn, USA (5)
16.01.2017 in Study and Teaching, Miscellaneous, Campus

Two new university partnerships in Italy and Poland

Effective this year, the University of Halle has two new partner institutions, one in Poland and one in Italy. In August, a cooperation agreement was signed with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in Milan, and the Universities of Halle and Warsaw entered into a contract for a partnership in October. Martin Luther University now maintains close teaching and research ties in the form of university partnerships with 62 higher education institutions worldwide. Read more

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