Her Father’s Legacy
Love brought her to Halle over 30 years ago. Nowadays, Dr Armenuhi Drost-Abgarjan is a professor of Armenian studies who is fighting for the future of her subject. Read more
Love brought her to Halle over 30 years ago. Nowadays, Dr Armenuhi Drost-Abgarjan is a professor of Armenian studies who is fighting for the future of her subject. Read more
The Sauer organ will now be resounding throughout the main assembly hall more often: In July, university organist Professor Wolfgang Kupke and the University of Halle’s Association of Friends and Sponsors (VFF) hosted the first in a series of concerts that will place the precious instrument firmly back on the university’s musical agenda. Read more
Hans-Dietrich Genscher began his law studies at the University of Halle in 1946. Until his death in late March 2016, the former German foreign minister and famous son of Halle maintained a close relationship with his alma mater. He was particularly active on behalf of the university in the years after German Reunification in 1990. The rector at the time, Professor Günther Schilling, reminisces about an extraordinary politician and his achievements on behalf of the university. Read more
Humboldt Professor Tiffany Knight studies the changes of ecosystems over long periods of time and the effects that a loss of biodiversity may have on the ecosystem. In February 2016, the affiliation of the renowned US-scientist changed from the Midwestern US to Central Germany. She is now working at the German Center of Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig. Read more
The data of the oldest German collection of biographical interviews recorded on audio tape was believed to have gone missing years ago. Now it is stored at MLU. The transfer was facilitated by a Humboldt Research Award winner, Prof. Christina von Hodenberg, who is originally from Queen Mary University London and currently working in Halle. Read more
Guido Kisch and Heiner Lück are connected by more than just the fact that Lück has held Kisch’s former chair at the University of Halle for nearly 20 years. Since his time as a student, Lück has been examining the biography of the Jewish legal scholar who was a professor in Halle for eleven years until he was banned from his profession in 1933. Today Kisch’s family are friends with Heiner Lück. Read more
„Als ich die Zusage für das Deutschlandstipendium im Briefkasten gefunden hatte, habe ich zuerst meinen Opa angerufen“, erzählt Elisabeth Jäger. Er hatte die Biologiestudentin immer wieder dazu „gedrängelt“, sich für ein Stipendium zu bewerben. Read more