Student teachers Corinna Döhner and Simon Herbrich check out the Bee-Bots, which can be used to explain the basics of algorithms in maths lessons.
© Heiko Rebsch
04.07.2024 in Featured

Teaching in the future

Bee robots instead of whole class instruction: the University of Halle is preparing its student teachers for modern ways of working in schools. Read more

16.10.2017 in Campus, Study and Teaching, Featured

The Centre for Teacher Training celebrates ten years as a contact point for student teachers

This year the Centre for Teacher Training (ZLB) at the University of Halle is celebrating its ten-year anniversary. JLB’s annual meeting on 15 November will devote itself to the anniversary and its theme will be “Education for Sustainable Development in Teacher Training”. In an interview, the centre’s director Professor Thomas Bremer and its managing director Dr Marie-Theres Müller look back at the centre’s inception and discuss its future tasks. Read more