Potsherds of an age up to 2,500 years
© Tom Leonhardt
30.09.2015 in Research, Science

Robust clay: Chemist from Halle University finds glass needles in thousand-year-old ceramics from Brazil

5000 years ago the Brazilian natives mixed their clay with additional materials for improvement of the resistance and durability of their pottery. An important role played microscopically small glass needles of freshwater tree sponges, which was detected by an international team of researchers led by Dr. Filipe Natalio of the Institute of Chemistry at Halle University. Read more

Wellness drink or motorbike jacket? Karl-Ludwig Kunze and Bernhard Schipper with a kombucha culture.
© Maike Glöckner
03.04.2014 in Research, Featured, Science

Design meets science

You’ve successfully developed and perfected a crystallisation technique. You’re carrying a treasure trove of knowledge and experience about biominerals around with you. Patents have been filed and industrial partnerships have been found. But has the full potential of the technology you’ve developed or the material you’ve discovered been completely tapped? Read more