Robert Paxton and Tabea Streicher place a temperature sensor in the beehive.
© Markus Scholz
22.04.2021 in Science, Research, Knowledge Transfer

Do sick bees buzz differently?

In a Europe-wide project, researchers are trying to find out when a bee colony is doing well. Prof. Robert Paxton's team is testing a digital beehive for this purpose. The weight, temperature and sounds of the colony will tell beekeepers the condition of their animals via an app. Read more

Juliana Martins de Souza e Silva can use a virtual reality headset to “fly” through tiny samples of materials.
© Michael Deutsch
31.03.2021 in Science, Research

The researcher who flies through nanoworlds

The University of Halle has a special, state-of-the-art X-ray microscope that can be used to image tiny samples in 3D. This allows the structure of materials to be studied in great detail. It’s an exciting technology that is also in demand outside Halle and one that has prompted Dr Juliana Martins de Souza e Silva to make a declaration of love. Read more

Maria Ott in the lab at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
© Jens Schlüter
21.10.2020 in Featured, Science, Research

When proteins assemble

Dr Maria Ott heads a junior research group at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology. She is investigating the self-assembly of various molecules. The mother of two has pursued her scientific career for many years, also on a part-time basis. Read more

Caroline Meller-Hannich at the District Court of Halle
© Markus Scholz
21.10.2020 in Featured, Science, Research

The consumer protectionist

Whether it has to do with the diesel scandal, brokerage costs or the sharing economy - the expertise of Professor Caroline Meller-Hannich is in demand when it comes to protecting consumers. She is just one of a handful of women whose expert opinions and statements are shaping German civil law. Read more

Annegret Wolf in the studio - the psychologist now has experience working in front of the camera.
© Maike Glöckner
21.10.2020 in Featured, Science, Research

Psychology for everyone

Psychologist Dr Annegret Wolf conducts research on topics such as the fear of crime and the credibility of witness statements in court. However, her work produces more than just scientific publications. For years the scientist has also been sought-after by the media for her expertise. Read more

Ulrike Witten did a post-doctoral degree in the Faculty of Theology.
© Markus Scholz
21.10.2020 in Featured, Science, Research

“Inclusion is not egalitarianism”

Hard to believe: Ulrike Witten is the first woman to do a post-doctoral degree in the Faculty of Theology. She held her test lecture just before the onset of the coronavirus crisis. Her topic is inclusion within religious education studies. She hopes to inspire students and bring about awareness. Read more

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